
I have this main controller:

namespace App\Core;
* Controller class

class Controller
    /** @var View View The view object */
    public $View;
    public $templates;
     * Construct the (base) controller. This happens when a real controller is constructed, like in
    public function __construct()


    public function loadModel($name) {

        $path = '\\App\\Front\\Model\\'.$name; // Not Work

        //$this->model = new \App\Front\Model\IndexModel(); Work

        $this->model = new $path;

        return $this->model;


In IndexController I have:

namespace App\Front\Controller;

use App\Front\Model\IndexModel;

class IndexController extends \App\Core\Controller {

    public function index(){

Now in action I see error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class '\App\Front\Model\IndexModel()' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mvc/application/Core/Controller.php:64

how do fix error?

@MagnusEriksson: fix!! thanksharmony talk
I made an answer. Since it worked for you, feel free to accept it so others know the problem have been resolved.Magnus Eriksson

1 Answers


You need to remove the () from the string:


It's not necessary to have () when creating a new instance without arguments. If you do want it anyway, or you want to pass some arguments, you need to add them after the variable on instantiation instead:

new $path('someArgument');