As you can tell I'm a beginner in lua. I am trying to understand a function I'm stuck at what the following code segment does?
It is used in the following code snippet in the last line:
function classify(txt_dir, img_dir, cls_list)
local acc = 0.0
local total = 0.0
local fea_img = {}
local fea_txt = {}
for fname in io.lines(cls_list) do
local imgpath = img_dir .. '/' .. fname .. '.t7'
local txtpath = txt_dir .. '/' .. fname .. '.t7'
fea_img[#fea_img + 1] = extract_img(imgpath)
fea_txt[#fea_txt + 1] = extract_txt(txtpath)
for i = 1,#fea_img do
-- loop over individual images.
for k = 1,fea_img[i]:size(1) do
local best_match = 1
local best_score = -math.huge
for j = 1,#fea_txt do
local cur_score =[i][{k,{}}], fea_txt[j])
From my understanding, fea_img is a lua table. Is the line fea_img[i][{k,{}}] some sort of slicing for the value for the key 'i' in the table fea_img?
I tried searching for more examples and found this being used here too (last line):
for i = 1,nsamples,batchsize do
-- indices
local lasti = math.min(i+batchsize-1,nsamples)
local m = lasti - i + 1
-- k-means step, on minibatch
local batch = x[{ {i,lasti},{} }]
Any help on this would be really appreciated. Thank you!
has some kind of metatable on it, there's no way that either of those expressions will result in anything other thannil
. – Nicol Bolas__index
method and the specific implementation in [torch] would make the understanding complete. – Tom Blodget