I have a question that is more high-level rather than syntax.
In a nutshell, I'm building an Asp.Net Core web application (using MVC, using the built-in user authentication).
I'm extending the existing Identity entities to add properties that we need (that don't already exist in the Identity/ApplicationUser objects).
Ultimately, I need to have the ability where an admin can/will go into a page (view) to set up new users or another page (view) where the admin can modify any of the properties (except password/login) for an existing user.
Now that I'm neck-deep in trying to get this working (I modified the generated Register view to use as the "set up new users" one and have all of that working), and I'm now working on the Edit view, and I'm realizing I may have gone down the wrong path.
Going this way, I'm concerned that I may need to either figure out a way to have an Edit view that does NOT overwrite the encrypted password, or require the admin to change the user's password any time that they need to change something else (such as changing their department, or granting them access to portions of the site, for example).
So now I'm wondering if there was a better way I should have gone to accomplish this.
Suggestions? Recommendations?
It's not totally too late for me to start over on this portion of it.