I have a non anonymous http Domino server (9.0.1 FP10 HF197), but
(The third elem is a test, no difference to the following behavior)
DB in path /public/.....nsf
Xpage=Allowed Public Access
- If DB ACL Anonymous=no access, require login, all run fine, calendar show data
- If DB ACL Anonymous=reader, user show calendar empty and get the error
In XPage I have only a CC that contains
- Notes Calendar Store
- iNotes Calendar
- some stuff as images like the following:
The XPage read calendar data from company's Resource Reservation DB, that needs to be anonymous=no access. When I set RR DB anonymous=reader, then I can data without error, but when the RR DB is Anonymous=no access, then I got the error.
There is no way to reproduce in teamroom app, because the data are inside the same application.
Is there a way to allow Notes Calendar Store and iNotes Calendar to a data DB that is not anonymously accessible for an anonymous user?