
Is there a quick way to change all text containers so that the anti-alias setting is "Use Device Fonts"?

I am using Flash CS5, and need to convert about 300 animations, each with 20 or more text boxes, so that they use device fonts. This is necessary so that we can more easily display traditional Chinese characters.

I can go through each text box, change the font to _sans and it automatically switches to Use Device Font - then I don't need to embed the font files. So I tried to use the Find and Replace tool to change the font on all text boxes. It worked fine at changing the fonts, but it did not auto-switch the anti-alias. Any help on this would save hours of work.



1 Answers


Hopefully you're not too far into your work on this one, but there's a new development with CS5 that will help you with just this. It's called the .xfl format, and all .fla's are actually this format, but zipped up. Have a read here for more info: http://blog.theflashblog.com/?p=1986

What this means is you can convert your fla to xfl (or just change the suffix to .zip and unzip as the above article suggests), and do a Find&Replace on all text field font values.

Hope that helps!