
I'm learning Azure DevOps. I'm interested in creating a custom build task. My question is, is it possible to create a private, custom build task? In other words, I only want my build task to be visible within my organization.

Is it possible to set custom build task visibility to certain scopes (i.e. project, groups, organization, etc.)?


2 Answers


You can manage tasks within an account with the tfx command line tool, including uploading your own. You don't need to publish an extension to the marketplace.

Beyond that, no. Tasks exist within an account, and you cannot control their visibility within an account.


Yes you can create a custom private task. Take a look at the "Publish Extension" task, you can set the extension visibility to private.

In terms of visibility, you will not be able to scope to a project, etc. To handle that I created a separate account that I use as my dev environment. My release pipeline pushes to the dev env, and upon approval releases to "prod" which is the account the rest of our department uses.