
Flask server not visible from local network, I have done the app.run(host="") but still wathever is not my local machine is not able to see it.

* Serving Flask app "MainBot" (lazy loading)

* Environment: production

WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.

Use a production WSGI server instead.

* Debug mode: on

* Restarting with stat

* Debugger is active!

* Debugger PIN:

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Also when I run netstats -q in my windows machine I can see a process listening to a port:


Seems to be an issue with the network. Even creating a simple HTTP server in my pc does not let any external traffic to reach.But It works if I switch the receiver and requestor (making my local send a request to another pc in my network with a HTTP Server)

Are u testing from another machine ?DarkSuniuM
yeah im trying to hit from another machine in my LAN, which I can connect using mstc. When I hit from the other machine I substitute the for the ip that comes inside ipv4 when I run ipconfig.MBG
Can u open the page using external IP on local machine? ( The machine u are running your flask app on )DarkSuniuM

1 Answers


Problem was the network firewall, some directioning rules that were fixed once we change some configurations in the firewall