I have built a \DomDocument in PHP which I'd like to validate against an XSD file. I've checked in more online XML-XSD validator and my XML passed validation on all of them. What am I doing wrong? Why my XML passes other validators but not when calling schemaValidate on the DomDocument itself?
This is the piece of PHP code that generates the XML:
$xmlDoc = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$rootElem = $xmlDoc->createElementNS('http://fip.loginet.hu', 'allatok');
/** @var RearingAnimal $animal */
foreach($this->animals as $animal){
$animalElem = $xmlDoc->createElement('allat');
$animalElem->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement('fulszam', $animal->getEarNumber()));
$animalElem->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement('tenyeszet', $animal->getRearingCode()));
$animalElem->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement('szuletesi_ido', $animal->getBirthDate()));
$animalElem->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement('fajta', $animal->getBreed()));
$animalElem->appendChild($xmlDoc->createElement('ivar', $animal->getSex()));
throw new \Exception("XML Socument validation failed!");
<element name="allatok">
<element name="allat" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="tns:Allat"/>
<complexType name="Allat">
<element name="fulszam" type="string"/>
<element name="tenyeszet" type="integer"/>
<element name="szuletesi_ido" type="date"/>
<element name="fajta" type="integer"/>
<element name="ivar" type="tns:Ivar"/>
<simpleType name="Ivar">
<restriction base="string">
<enumeration value="m"/>
<enumeration value="f"/>
And the XML i'd like to validate against:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<allatok xmlns="http://fip.loginet.hu">
<fulszam>HU 30966 0259 0</fulszam>
<fulszam>HU 31342 0375 1</fulszam>
<fulszam>HU 31342 4595 1</fulszam>
The error I get:
Warning: DOMDocument::schemaValidate(): Element 'allat': This element is not expected. Expected is ( {http://fip.loginet.hu}allat )
I figured out, that the warning can be fixed if I use $xmlDoc->createElementNS
and pass the namespace individually everywhere, instead of using $xmlDoc->createElement
. However the output of the both is the same XML string. However the xmlns
definition of the 'allatok'
element should apply to all descendant elements until stated else... so I solved it, but I'm still curious if someon could explain this behavior?