I have this clips program that uses salience to get the message "Welcome to the advising system." to always appear first, but I was wondering how to do this using a control fact without the use of salience.
1 (deffacts prerequisites
2 (after COP1000 take COP2000)
3 (after COP1001 take COP2001)
4 (after MAC1000 take MAC2000)
5 (after MAC1001 take MAC2001)
6 (after ENG1000 and ENG1001 take ENG2000))
8 (defrule welcome
9 (declare (salience 10000))
10 =>
11 (printout t "Welcome to the advising system." crlf))
13 (defrule rule2
14 (after ?course1 take ?course2)
15 (student ?name $? ?course1 $?)
16 =>
17 (printout t "Since " ?name " has taken " ?course1 " , I suggest taking " ?course2 "." crlf))