I'm migrating a web app from requireJS to webpack. With requireJS, I have different configurations depending on the environment.
For live environment I use r.js to minify and bundle all of my modules and their dependencies into a single file. Afterwards, I add almondJS to manage the dependencies and then I load my js bundle like the following:
<script src="bundle.min.js"></script>
For my development environment, I Load requireJS like this:
<script src="require.js" data-main="/main-config"></script>
and requireJS will use my configuration file specified by
, to load modules and their dependencies asynchronously
As you can see, with requireJS module loading and bundling are two separate processes and that allows me to debug AMD modules during development without needing sourcemaps
How can I achieve this scenario using webpack as a module loader only without bundling during development ?
If this is not possible, is there any other way I can see my source files in the browser debugger without generating sourcemaps?