I was going to reflect some JSON data from web service into swift struct. So I created a protocol which conforms to decodable protocol and planed to create some structs to conform it. This is the protocol I had created:
protocol XFNovelApiResponse: Decodable {
var data: Decodable {get}
var error: NovelApiError {get}
struct NovelApiError: Decodable {
let msg: String
let errorCode: String
It was compiled. But when I started to write my struct I got an error. The struct's code is here:
struct XFNovelGetNovelsApiResponse: XFNovelApiResponse {
let data: NovelsData
let error: NovelApiError
struct NovelsData: Decodable {
The error says type 'XFNovelGetNovelsApiResponse' does not conform to protocol 'XFNovelApiResponse'. I know the 'data' property should be implemented in wrong way. How can I fix it? Thanks.