
I am using rmarkdown to generate both HTML and pdf file. In my .Rmd file, I included a GIF like this:


When I knit the to HTML it works fine.

rmarkdown::render(documentation_file, encoding="UTF-8")

However, when I try to knit to PDF using

rmarkdown::render(documentation_file, rmarkdown::pdf_document(latex_engine = "xelatex"), encoding="UTF-8")

I have the following problem:

! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .gif.

I do not mind to lose the animation of the gif, a static version of it is perfectly fine.

Is there any easy way to include/convert on the fly the GIF to my PDF document?

Related question in TEX.SE: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/7602/…CL.
you can now include animation in pdf, resources.rstudio.com/rstudio-conf-2020/… see 8 min markuser63230

3 Answers


It's not possible to directly include GIFs in a LaTeX document.

In general LaTeX, you can only include GIFs if you use latex to compile your document; when using pdflatex, xelatex and lualatex you need to manually convert your figure to e.g. PNG, JPG or PDF.

RMarkdown by default uses pdflatex; while you may change the LaTeX engine by specifying e.g. latex_engine: xelatex below pdf_document in the YAML header of your document, it is not possible to use latex to compile (latex would first create a DVI file, which is then converted to a PS and then in turn to a PDF).

So the easiest (and only) solution would be to convert all GIF figures to PNGs (or JPGs), and then include them as images in your RMarkdown document.


Try this in your chunk

if (knitr:::is_latex_output()) {
} else {

And in the url put the url to your gif


You could create a snapshot image of the first frame of the gif, https://stackoverflow.com/a/12554723/10346727 I don't think PDF supports gif format, or any moving format for that matter.