
I'm using saml2aws to generate temporary AWS keys for my clients. Previously I was using environmental variables:

aws_access_key_id=MY KEY
aws_secret_access_key=MY SECRET

After authenticating with saml2aws my ~/.aws/config file looks like this (unchanged):


And my ~/.aws/credentials looks like this:

aws_access_key_id        = MY KEY ID
aws_secret_access_key    = MY KEY
aws_session_token        = MY SESSION TOKEN
aws_security_token       = MY TOKEN
x_principal_arn          = MY ARN
x_security_token_expires = TIME

When I try this from the cli with aws s3 ls it works but when I try to access S3 from the Java SDK:


I get:

com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to load credentials into profile. Profile Name or AWS Access Key ID or AWS Secret Access Key missing for a profile.

And it doesn't work even if I explicitly try to use the default profile: ProfileCredentialsProvider("default") or even if I don't set a provider at all!

What am I doing wrong?

Have you checked that java is using your user and home folder?Milo
That's not the case. If I tamper with the file I get different exceptions. I'm not sure how to configure the client itself. I think the problem comes from there.Adam Arold

1 Answers


is enough, no need of explicitly giving ProfileCredentialsProvider(). For more see
