I'm trying to copy a couple of libraries I created to my local sketch folder, as instructed in the Arduino Library Tutorial
My folder structure is the following
I get the following error
fatal error: Timer.h: No such file or directory
#include <Timer.h>
Note that this works just fine if I move my libraries to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries folder, but I really don't want to keep them appart from my source since I can not check them to my git repository.
I think I'm following the instructions given in the tutorial precisely. I just googled about this and found several similar problems, but no solution. It's supposed to be working in recent versions of the IDE (I'm on 1.8.5 on Windows 10).
I also tried to include the libraries using double quotes instead of angle brackets but I got the same error.
Can you please let me know how to fix this problem?