I'm using Lucene 7.4 to index & store fields. While looking at the API I noticed that there were provided field classes for indexing most data types(Byte, Integer, Long, Double, Float, String) but no field class for Shorts. https://lucene.apache.org/core/7_4_0/core/org/apache/lucene/document/Field.html
My understanding is that I can use the default Field class to create a 'custom' field type for Shorts but I'm unsure how to construct it properly as there is no constructor that takes in my field type:
FieldType shortFieldType = new FieldType();
Field shortField = new Field("fieldName", ???, shortFieldType);
shortField.setShortValue((Short) shortValue);
I am also curious why there is no ShortPoint class defined in the API. I could probably get away with using an IntPoint but I would like to avoid wasted space. All previous research I did referred to earlier versions of Lucene that had different class constructs.