I have a XRD data and when I plot it I want to have this kind of graph. Anyway, excel has a problem to plot too large data and I want to plot it with Gnuplot and here is my code
set title "GNUPLOT RESULT"
set xlabel "Wavelength 2Theta"
set ylabel "Intensity"
set xrange [20:90]
set key right center
set terminal pngcairo size 1600, 1000 enhanced font "Arial,16"
set output "Allt-XRD.png"
plot "AllW" using 1:2 w p pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb "orange" title "point", "AllW" using 1:2 smooth acspline lw 3 lc rgb 'blue' title 'spline'
But what it produces, it does not connect all dots/points and I do not know but somehow it has a preferences (is it a weight point?) to connecting them.
- How can I connect all the dots as seen at excel graph with Gnuplot Thanks in advance
P.S: I tried all bunch of smooth version acscpline' cspline' bezier etc. it did not work
Edit 1: The line plot who wonders why I do not try it
Edit 2: The worked answer of user8153 : Use decimal data point not an integer. Both spline and points option plot perfectly the data as it seen below
How XRD data looks like, it is too long so I pasted only a few of them
Wavelength = 1.54059 Å (Cu)
Angle Intensity
20.00243 1467
20.02869 1533
20.05495 1482
20.08121 1468
20.10747 1376
20.13374 1421
20.16000 1433
20.18626 1380
20.21252 1431
20.23878 1405
20.26504 1357
20.29130 1374
20.31756 1413