
I would like to learn a bit about using actionscript. I currently know zero about flash and such, so I kind of want to learn a bit so I am not so lost when it comes to this subject. Could someone post some really simple tutorials on how to get started.

Please include:

  • Development environment needed (IDE, and such)

Something as simple as a Hello World would be fine. At this moment I don't even know the difference between Actionscript and flash.

This topic is incredibly large. Perhaps you could get a more helpful set of responses if you explain what you're trying to accomplish and why you want to use Flash for the purpose.scriptocalypse
read books - there are some very good ones. SO query "actionscript 3 books".Chunky Chunk
www.kirupa.com The only resource you will ever need. Ever.Discipol

4 Answers

  1. Get yourself a copy of FlashDevelop
  2. Create a new project
  3. Select from the dialog "AS3 Project"
  4. Open the Main.as file
  5. Save the below
  6. Hit F5 to Test Movie, your first Hello World

    package {
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        public class Main extends Sprite 
            public function Main():void 
                if (stage) init();
                else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            private function init(e:Event = null):void 
                removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                var txt:TextField = new TextField();
                txt.text = "Hello World";

GotoAndLearn.com is the BEST place to start with Flash/ActionScript. Go back to some of the older videos. There are a lot of basics covered. Some probably have a little bit of outdated info because Flash has come a long way, but it will give you some good history :)

Also it is probably good to know a bit of the background, of how we got to where we are. So the Adobe Flash page on Wikipedia is probably pretty good for that.

Here are a few other good references:


First, you should understand the concept of the display list. To start writing your own piece of code, I highly recommend FlashDevelop. It's a rich-featured IDE (MIT License). But don't cold-shoulder the Adobe Flash IDE. It is good to know the difference of a programmer IDE (FlashDevelop) and designer IDE. When you feel comfortable with the basics, this blog about AS3 design patterns gives you great input.


Take a look at Flash and ActionScript Tutorials

It covers almost everything

  • Animation
  • Drawing and Design
  • Common Tasks
  • ActionScript 3 Basics
  • Using External Data
  • Sound
  • Special Effects
  • Game Development