i am using Car Dealer wordpress theme. i want when someone open any car stock
page there is cars photos . i want there is button Download All pic zip in theme the car page is single-car.php
i have installed a plugin Zip Attachments Version 1.6 | By Ricard Torres PLUGIN: https://wordpress.org/plugins/zip-attachments/
There are two coded i am using but its not working plugin says only put code
thats it but when i put code download button show and when i click download
start and save in computer with .zip format but its emptry no picture in zip
folder 0kb
<?=function_exists('za_show_button') ? za_show_button("Download") : ''?>
[za_show_download_button text="Download the file"]
i dont understand how its work. you can say this plugin work for wordpress
posts if there is gallery it will download all picture of single post in zip.
car theme is: http://cardealer.webtemplatemasters.com/car/lexus-lfa-2014/
how can i use Zip Attachments plugin in this theme ? i know basic and i would
like its done by plugin no need programing much.