I'm attempting to write a loop in VBA for Access 2010, where the loop looks through a table (table: "SunstarAccountsInWebir_SarahTest") and evaluates a number of conditions, and depending on the condition - may then loop through a different table ("1042s_FinalOutput_7") to see if it has an ID that matches. If it does match, it inserts "Test" into a field, if not - it should export that row of values (from the first loop - out of "SunstarAccountsInWebir_SarahTest") into an excel file.
My issue is that my code is exporting the entirety of the table "SunstarAccountsInWebir_SarahTest", I only want it to export the row corresponding to the value of i in the loop. How can I amend my code to do this?
Public Sub EditFinalOutput2()
'set loop variables
Dim i As Long
Dim qs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ss As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim external_nmad_id As String
Dim IRSfileFormatKey As String
'Function GetID(external_nmad_id As String, IRSfileFormatKey As String)
'open reference set
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qs = db.OpenRecordset("SunstarAccountsInWebir_SarahTest")
Set ss = db.OpenRecordset("1042s_FinalOutput_7")
'set loop for whole recordset(this is the original location, will try putting it within the If, ElseIf loop)
'For i = 0 To qs.RecordCount - 1
With qs.Fields
For i = 0 To qs.RecordCount - 1
If (IsNull(!nmad_address_1) Or (!nmad_address_1 = !nmad_city) Or (!nmad_address_1 = !Webir_Country) And IsNull(!nmad_address_2) Or (!nmad_address_2 = !nmad_city) Or (!nmad_address_2 = !Webir_Country) And IsNull(!nmad_address_3) Or (!nmad_address_3 = !nmad_city) Or (!nmad_address_3 = !Webir_Country)) Then
MsgBox "This was an invalid address"
With ss.Fields
For j = 0 To ss.RecordCount - 1
If (qs.Fields("external_nmad_id") = Right(ss.Fields("IRSfileFormatKey"), 10)) Then
ss.Fields("box13_Address") = "Test"
Else: DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 10, "SunstarAccountsInWebir_SarahTest", "\\DTCHYB-MNMH001\C_WBGCTS_Users\U658984\My Documents\pre processor\PreProcessor7\ToBeReviewed\AddressesNotActiveThisYear.xlsx", False
End If
Next j
End With
End If
Next i
End With
'close reference set
Set qs = Nothing
Set ss = Nothing
End Sub
write a query that takes a parameter that filters that table by whateveri
is and export the query result. it will probably take some steps to get it to work right – Scott Holtzman