I have an Excel database with multiple sheets. There's this one sheet with general data (like emails etc.), then I have another sheet that contains email addresses subscribed to a newsletter (the emails are simply row after row in the first column). In the first "general" sheet I have three separate columns with email addresses in each row. I need to check whether there's an email in those three columns that's in the newsletter sheet - whether a person is subscribed to the newsletter or not - if so, I want to put the email into a column next to it, or just simply writing subscribed into it.
I had already this formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($L2, Newsletter!A:A, 1, FALSE),"")
, but this works only if the emails are stored just in one column.
Here is how the database SHOULD look like - three columns with emails and another newsletter-check-column (now the newsletter column isn't working ofc):
My newsletter sheet looks very simple:
Is there are formula for this or do I have to make a VBA Macro for this?