
My recent developments led me into the world of password storage security, hashing functions, ...

I've decided to store on the database the resulting byte array of my hashing function (in a BINARY type column), as well for the salt, since storing a hex string would take more space, I guess.

Are there any downsides to this practice? Especially on the security viewpoint.

| id | login   | password     | salt         | name          | lname      |
|  1 | myadmin | 0x8B624d85B1 | 0x248f1706f0 | Administrador | do Sistema |

1 Answers


I can't see any downside from a security perspective of storing the hash and salt as binary rather than strings. Ultimately all data is binary anyways.

I'd be more concerned about what hashing algorithm you are using. I don't see anywhere you are storing a difficulty factor, so I assume you aren't using BCrypt? If not, you might want to consider using that as it seems to be the gold standard at the moment for password hashing.