In SAPI the SREngineConfidence is an attempt to pass the phrase confidence from the vendor specific speech engine to the engine independent SAPI client. SREngineConfidence has some interesting behavior described in "Microsoft Speech SDK Version 5.1 SR Engine Vendor Porting Guide" says:
It is possible for confidence score
information to be included in
recognition results. On each phrase
element there are two confidence
fields that the engine can set. These
have both a Confidence (three-level)
field and an SREngineConfidence
(floating-point) field. If the engine
does not explicitly set any of these
values, SAPI will try and produce
reasonable default values for them. It
will produce the Confidence values by
averaging the levels for each of the
words in the phrase or property, and
it will set the SREngineConfidence
values to -1.0.
and later says:
If this field is not being used, the
engine sets this confidence to -1.0.
One other resource that may give you some insight is One post says:
In principle, the SREngineConfidence
score is a value between 0.0 and 1.0
{higher value meaning higher
confidence}. But older versions of the
SR engines like 5.1 don't honor this
contract precisely, and I don't think
the value can really be used with
those engines. Only the Hi, Medium,
and Low scores in the other Confidence
field are usable.
If I remember rightly, you need a more
recent version of the SR engine, like
the versions that ship with Microsoft
Office 2003 or Vista to get a
meaningful number in the
SREngineConfidence field.
I believe System.Speech.Recognition is really a .net wrapper around SAPI (see I suspect that the comments quoted above that describe confidence levels of -1 may still apply to you using System.Speech. I'm guessing that the -1 you are seeing is the same issue mentioned.
My understanding is that XP did not include a recognizer. Versions of Microsoft Office came with it. So, I'm not sure which recognizer engine you are really running. Do you have Office 2003 installed? or do you have a 3rd party engine like Dragon installed?
You say you have recognizer 5.1 installed. The GotSpeech.NET link above says:
But older versions of the SR engines
like 5.1 don't honor this contract
precisely, and I don't think the value
can really be used with those engines.
I would suggest trying the following:
One more piece to add. Here is a short sample to recognize from a wav file:
SpeechRecognitionEngine myRecognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
Grammar myGrammar = CreatePizzaGrammar(); // uses GrammarBuilder to create a pizza ordering grammar
myRecognizer.SetInputToWaveFile("LargeCheese.wav"); // recording of ordering a pizza
RecognitionResult result = myRecognizer.Recognize();
string s = result.Text;
float confidence = result.Confidence;