I assume you want to filter by eg.
- 12/24/2018
- 12/24
- 24
- 2018
- and similar - in general, by partial date with given 'MM/dd/yyyy' format
You need to manually filter the data using required date format
pipe: DatePipe;
constructor() {
this.pipe = new DatePipe('en');
const defaultPredicate=this.dataSource.filterPredicate;
this.dataSource.filterPredicate = (data, filter) =>{
const formatted=this.pipe.transform(data.created,'MM/dd/yyyy');
return formatted.indexOf(filter) >= 0 || defaultPredicate(data,filter) ;
applyFilter(filterValue: string) {
this.dataSource.filter = filterValue.trim().toLowerCase();
This filters by all columns including date column.
This all could be avoided if you would use formatted date (thus string) as data in your table model (datasource) insteed of date. It would work out of the box like it works for weight column.