
I have an interesting situation but did not get the right formula so far. I have a column that has blank cells. I would need the values to be evenly distributed based on the number of preceding blank cells. In the below table, I am looking to calculate the NEWCOUNT column values based on the MYCOUNT column and blank cells.

enter image description here

It's unclear - are you wanting to count only those cells with a mycount value? Have you tried COUNTIF() or SUMIF()?BruceWayne
Can you edit your question, adding what the expected outcome would be?cybernetic.nomad

1 Answers


Try this in B2,

=IF(OR(A2="",A1=""),IF(AND(A2<>"", A1=""), A2/(ROW(2:2)-MATCH(1E+99, A$1:A1)), B3),A2)

enter image description here