
I am using Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.0.4/3.0.5 and Phusion Passenger 3.0.3/3.0.4. My templates are written in HAML and I am using the MySQL2 gem. I have a controller action that when passed a parameter that has a special character, like an umlaut, gives me the following error:

ActionView::Template::Error (incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT)

The error points to the first line of my HAML template, which has the following code on it:

<!DOCTYPE html>

My understanding is that this is caused because I have a UTF-8 string that is being concatenated with an ASCII-8BIT string, but I can't for the life of me figure out what that ASCII-8BIT string is. I have checked that the params in the action are encoded using UTF-8 and I have added an encoding: UTF-8 declaration to the top of the HAML template and the ruby files and I still get this error. My application.rb file has a config.encoding = "UTF-8" declaration in it as well and the following all result in UTF-8:


Here's the kicker: I cannot reproduce this result locally on my Mac-OSX using standalone passenger or mongrel in either development or production. I can only reproduce it on a production server running nginx+passenger on linux. I have verified in the production server's console that the latter mentioned commands all result in UTF-8 as well.

Have you experienced this same error and how did you solve it?


2 Answers


After doing some debugging I found out the issue occurs when using the ActionDispatch::Request object which happens to have strings that are all coded in ASCII-8BIT, regardless of whether my app is coded in UTF-8 or not. I do not know why this only happens when using a production server on Linux, but I'm going to assume it's some quirk in Ruby or Rails since I was unable to reproduce this error locally. The error occurred specifically because of a line like this:

@current_path = request.env['PATH_INFO']

When this instance variable was printed in the HAML template it caused an error because the string was encoded in ASCII-8BIT instead of UTF-8. To solve this I did the following:

@current_path = request.env['PATH_INFO'].dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)

Which forced @current_path to use a duplicated string that was forced into the proper UTF-8 encoding. This error can also occur with other request related data like request.headers.


Mysql could be the source of troublesome ascii. Try putting the following in initializer to at least eliminate this possibility:

require 'mysql'

class Mysql::Result
  def encode(value, encoding = "utf-8")
    String === value ? value.force_encoding(encoding) : value

  def each_utf8(&block)
    each_orig do |row|
      yield row.map {|col| encode(col) }
  alias each_orig each
  alias each each_utf8

  def each_hash_utf8(&block)
    each_hash_orig do |row|
      row.each {|k, v| row[k] = encode(v) }
  alias each_hash_orig each_hash
  alias each_hash each_hash_utf8


This may not be applicable to mysql2 gem. Works for mysql however.