
I am having an issue in setting up my spinnaker ldap authentication to windows active directory

gate-local.yml --> ldap: managerDn: cn=svc_spinnaker_auth,ou=SERVICE ACCOUNTS,ou=DOMAIN ESTATE,dc=testdomain,dc=com managerPassword: XXXX groupSearchBase: cn=ADM_Spinnaker_Auth_Global,ou=SECURITY,ou=GROUPS,ou=ELEVATED ACCESS,ou=DOMAIN ESTATE,dc=testdomain,dc=com

halyard command --> hal config security authn ldap edit --url=ldap://10.34.XXX.XX:XXX/DC=domain,DC=com --user-search-base="CN=ADM_Spinnaker_Auth_Global,OU=SECURITY,OU=GROUPS,OU=ELEVATED ACCESS,OU=DOMAIN ESTATE,DC=domain,DC=com" --user-search-filter="(sAMAccOUntName={0})"


1 Answers


I've setup my user search filter to be below:


I had tried what you did before but it didn't work exactly that way. Above worked better. I also had to put my entire config in a gate-local.yml file. Adding it through hal config was not copying my managerDN and managerPassword to my spinnaker deployment even though it was in my config file.