
This issue occurred in jdbc batch insert. I queried from an Oracle datasource, parsed the resultset and then inserted into another Oracle datasource. I have got the connect metadata and printed the current username along with url, both are invalid. But when it went to batch update, I got the ora-00942 exception. I'm pretty sure all above works fine in database. Has anyone encountered this exception and can you give me some advice?

EDIT: Ok, I got a table named photos for example in REMOTE_USER and I queried from it. It gave me a resultset, then I parse it after that INSERT it to LOCAL_USER.photos. I did query the LOCAL_USER.photos where I logon in from PL/SQL Developer. The interesting thing was I could do the select command but not the insert. Below is some part of code.

     conn = datasource.getConnection(); // notice that it was target datasource
            DatabaseMetaData connMetaData = conn.getMetaData();
            String userName = connMetaData.getUserName();
            resultSet = ds.getResultSet();
            ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
            int count = metaData.getColumnCount();

      String insertSql = generateInsertSql(count, metaData, userName);
      // this was generated through metaData , the output should be 
      // "insert into LOCAL_USER.photos(col1,col2) values(?,...)"

        logger.error("insert clause is {}", insertSql);
        ps = conn.prepareStatement(insertSql);
        while (resultSet.next()) { // this was the original datasource
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
                Object object = resultSet.getObject(i);
                dealClobColumn(ps, i, object);

            if (stageTotalNum % 500L == 0L) {
                ps.executeBatch(); // throws batchupdateexception.


Could you please provide more information? Also could you check if all tables in your query are exists and all of this tables are accessible from logged userVasyl Moskalov
@VasylMoskalov Edit my post,please check it . Thanks for your time.JXmb
Could you please execute your insert clause using same credentials as in datasource.getConnection()?Vasyl Moskalov
Check this link if in case it helps you : stackoverflow.com/questions/6561650/…codeLover
@VasylMoskalov I didn't know if it is the lob problem.My photos table got a blob column which stored the binary data for the images. What I used to query and insert is getObject and setObject. I ran the application locally and it ran pretty well but when I posted it to remote server the application threw the exception.JXmb

1 Answers


It should be the blob type column which I didn't handle it the right way. First I queried from original datasource then got the blob column of the resultset by conn.getObject(index) . Next I insert the blob column into target datasource by conn.setObject. Of course that way wasn't working at all, so I changed to the following:


Although it worked fine in my own environemnt, but when the application ran in remote server, it kept annoying about the 'table or view does not exists'.The third version is:


Ok, this time it worked both my pc and remote server. Thanks to @codeLover's advice and link, it really hepled me and saved my time. Appreciated it!