Installed minikube and try adding helm addon
always fails with message
-- Applying addon 'helm':..Error applying the add-on: Error executing command 'ssh command error:
command : docker run --rm -v /home/docker:/root:z -v /var/lib/minishift/openshift.local.config:/var/lib/minishift/openshift.local.config:z --net=host --env KUBECONFIG=/var/lib/minishift/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig --env HELM_HOST=localhost:8443 lachlanevenson/k8s-helm:v2.8.1 init
err : exit status 1
output : Creating /root/.helm
Creating /root/.helm/repository
Creating /root/.helm/repository/cache
Creating /root/.helm/repository/local
Creating /root/.helm/plugins
Creating /root/.helm/starters
Creating /root/.helm/cache/archive
Creating /root/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
Adding stable repo with URL:
Adding local repo with URL:
$HELM_HOME has been configured at /root/.helm.
Error: error installing: Post http://localhost:8080/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/kube-system/deployments: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
minishift status indicates openshift is not running
minishift status
Minishift: Running
Profile: minishift
OpenShift: Stopped
DiskUsage: ERR of (Mounted On: )
CacheUsage: 1.638 GB (used by oc binary, ISO or cached images)
I am stuck here. appreciate any help