I would like to toggle down only one div among multiple divs by clicking one of button
HTML code
<ng-container *ngFor = "let m of images">
<button (click) = "toggle(m[m.length-1])"><img src = {{m[0]}}/></button>
<div id = "toggle" *ngIf = "chosen" [@toggle] = 'status'>
<li *ngFor = "let z of clicked | slice: 0 : 10;"><img src = {{z}}/></li>
<br />
In *ngFor = "let m of images, m is Array<string[]
> and at index 0 image is stored and at index 1 unique id is stored. So I get that id for function, toggle(). In toggle there is another Array<string[]
>, memberimages, that has 10 images from index 0 to 9 and have unqiue id at the last index. so compare id with id in this.memberimages and if it is same, then set chosen as true and save the matching string[] from this.memberimages to this.clicked and that is used in li tag.... hope the explanation is understandable.... :(
toggle(id: string){
this.status = this.status === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';
if(this.status != 'close')
this.memberimages.forEach((item, index) =>{
if(item[item.length-1] == id){
this.clicked = item;
this.chosen = true;
index = this.memberimages.length;
this.chosen = false;
trigger('toggle', [
state('open', style({
'opacity' : '1',
'display' : 'block'
state('close', style({
'opacity' : '0',
'display' : 'none'
transition('open => close', animate('1000ms ease-in-out', style({
'display' : 'none'
transition('close => open', animate('1000ms ease-in-out', style({
'display' : 'block'
CSS for div id = "toggle" is simply display: none;
what I expected was if I click one of buttons(5 in total), values should be toggled down under that button ONLY. However, what is actually happening is that once I click one of the buttons, values are correct but every button had toggled div with same values at once and I don't see any animation effect How can I match one div one button so that each button has a right values and only toggled div?
PS: Apologize for my bad English.. :(