When i run a select after a number of joins on my table I have an output of 2 columns and I want to select a distinct combination of col1 and col2 for the rowset returned.
the query that i run will be smthing like this:
select a.Col1,b.Col2 from a inner join b on b.Col4=a.Col3
now the output will be somewhat like this
Col1 Col2
1 z
2 z
2 x
2 y
3 x
3 x
3 y
4 a
4 b
5 b
5 b
6 c
6 c
6 d
now I want the output should be something like follows
1 z
2 y
3 x
4 a
5 b
6 d
its ok if I pick the second column randomly as my query output is like a million rows and I really dnt think there will be a case where I will get Col1 and Col2 output to be same even if that is the case I can edit the value..
Can you please help me with the same.. I think basically the col3 needs to be a row number i guess and then i need to selct two cols bases on a random row number.. I dont know how do i transalte this to SQL
consider the case 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e now group by will give me all these results where as i want 1a and 2d or 1a and 2b. any such combination.
OK let me explain what im expecting:
with rs as(
select a.Col1,b.Col2,rownumber() as rowNumber from a inner join b on b.Col4=a.Col3)
select rs.Col1,rs.Col2 from rs where rs.rowNumber=Round( Rand() *100)
now I am not sure how do i get the rownumber or the random working correctly!!
Thanks in advance.