I am trying to mock and trying to satisfy else condition for below method but I am getting error as Expected spy modalService.open not to have been called
Here is the component code
After updating the below line component.isError = true;
Highlighting the If block was not coming but still the error is available
public importDeals(upload, list) {
this.fileName = '';
let ngbModalOptions: NgbModalOptions = {
backdrop : 'static',
keyboard : false,
windowClass: 'custom-class'
if (!this.isError) {
this.uploadModalRef = this.modalService.open(upload, ngbModalOptions);
this.tempContingency = list;
Below is the current unit test case (Jasmine)
it('should import deals', () => {
// component.importDeals;
// expect(component.importDeals('upload','list')).toBeUndefined();
component.uploadModalRef = jasmine.createSpyObj('uploadModalRef', ['close']);
let mockOptions: NgbModalOptions = {
backdrop : 'static',
keyboard : false,
windowClass: 'custom-class'
const mockConfirm = 'confirm-template';
expect(modalService.open).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockConfirm, mockOptions);
it('should not import deals', () => {
component.modalService = jasmine.createSpyObj('modalService',['open'])
const mockConfirm = 'confirm-template';
Kindly let me know what I am doing wrong here