
I am using Restcomm's Android SDK and trying to configure it to our servers, but getting the following error:

RCConnection Error: setSDP Error: Failed to set remote offer sip: Called with SDP without DTLS fingerprint

But when I changing back to Restcomm servers it works fine.

I have tried to search it at Google and Git, but the solutions offered there did not help. Any idea how to solve the issue ( please explain in details since I am new in WebRTC ) ?


In case when I call from mobile to web or from the web to web it works fine. The problem occurs only when the mobile tries to accept the call.

Check if SDP generated by your web client contains a line starting with a=fingerprint (see webrtchacks.com/sdp-anatomy). If not then it does not support DTLS.atarasenko
The problem is that the mobile sends all the data ( DTLS too ), but in the receiving part I see an empty fingerprint field.abrutsze

1 Answers


Please make sure your server supports DTLS-SRTP for the Media and ICE Lite procedures.