I had tried to rename an existing column in a table to a new one. But after the name change, the new column is giving me only 'NULL' value.
The storage format for the table in Parquet.
For e.g,
'user' is a column in 'Test' table of string data type. Inserted a sample record with value as 'John'.
Select user from Test;
Result : John
I have renamed 'user' to 'user_name' without changing any data type.
ALTER TABLE Test CHANGE user user_name String;
Select user_name from Test;
Result : NULL
Please let me know how to fix this issue?
Whether MSCK Repair table command be of any use in this case?
Do I need to reload this table again to fix this issue?
Regards, Adarsh K S
SELECT `user` AS user_name ...
– Samson Scharfrichter