
so I'm having the weirdest problem! I have a python script which was working just fine and accessing a local mongodb and all was good.. then I wanted to add a new feature but I wanted to try it first so I copied my script into a new file and when I tried to run it it didn't access to mongodb and it kept on giving me this error pymongo: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions BUT the old script is still working just fine!! I searched every were google could have taken me and tried everything I know but the problem is still there all new scripts are giving me this error and all old ones are working just fine.. can anyone please help me?

What Operating System are you using? Maybe you have to open a port? Make sure you check your antivirus ?smitty_werbenjagermanjensen
Could you provide the relevant code in your old script and the relevant code in your new script for comparison, please?jerney
@JoeA A I'm using windows 10, the port is opened I checked for that, but I checked the antivirus and it was blocking the script I unblocked it and it worked .. thanks ^_^ befor I checked the firewall but the antivirus didn't occur to me.. thanks a lot ^_^Baraa Al-jabali
That's good that the port is opened! Then there ya go I'm happy to help! I've faced that error a couple of times using Pymongo and other stuff so no worries. I'm just glad it worked :Dsmitty_werbenjagermanjensen

1 Answers


the problem was with the antivirus.. I have comodo antivirus and it has been blocking the scripts,, I unblocked them and now they work :)