I'm using the following script to send an email every time a "No" changes to "Yes" in a particular column.
However this only happens if the cell is manually changed to "Yes", typed into a cell. And triggers based on the on edit UI trigger.
But the cell updates based on a formula that references to another sheet where it takes the "No" and "Yes" from, so there is no manual editing/updating on the cell in this sheet.
How can I get it to send the email without any manual change to cells, only on the change from "No" to "Yes"
Any help would be appreciated.
function sendNotification(e){
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = s.getSheetByName("Order Details")
if(e.range.getColumn()==3 && e.value=='Yes'){
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
var row = cell.getRow();
var ordernumber = ss.getRange(row,4).getValue(); //Column D
var sku = [{}]; sku = ordernumber.toString().split("-")
var sizewidth = ss.getRange(row,5).getValue(); //Column E
var sizeheight = ss.getRange(row,6).getValue(); //Column F
var qty = ss.getRange(row,8).getValue(); //Column H
var country = ss.getRange(row,10).getValue(); //Column J
var tube = ss.getRange(row,9).getValue(); //Column I
var paintingimage = ss.getRange(row,7).getValue(); //Column G
var orderlink = ('http://testly/Km345TS');
to: "[email protected]",
subject: country + " New Order No. " + ordernumber, // note the spaces between the quotes...
//attachment: [file,blob],
htmlBody: "Hello XYZ, <br><br>"+
"Please find order details below. <br><br>"+
sku[1] + "<br><br>" +
"Size - Width: " + sizewidth + " x " + "Height: " + sizeheight + "<br><br>"+
"Quantity - " + qty + "<br><br>"+
"- It needs to be tube rolled"+ "<br>" +
"- Shipment to " + country + "<br>" +
"- Order image is " + paintingimage + "<br><br>" +
"Please fill in cost and delivery details at this link " + orderlink + "<br><br>" +
"The order is for a customer from " + country + "<br><br>" +
"Thanking you, <br>" +
Update: Solution - a big thank you to Ron.
function sendNotification2(){
var sSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet 1");
var data = sSheet.getRange(2, 1, sSheet.getLastRow(), sSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues(); //get the values of your table, without the header
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var row = data[i];
var send = row[16]; //Column Q
var emailSent = row[17]; //Column R
var ordernumber = row[4]; //Column E
var country = row[10]; //Column K
var orderlink = ('http:/testly/Khghgy');
var shipaddress = row[18]; //Column S
if (send == "Yes"){
if (emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates
to: "[email protected]",
subject: country + " Ship Order No. " + ordernumber, // note the spaces between the quotes...
htmlBody: "Hello XYZ, <br><br>"+
"Thanking you, <br>" +
sSheet.getRange(i+2, 18).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);
. I've check the web and found this, some triggers " aren't triggered on automatic changes like does that occur to automatic recalculation of import functions and functions like NOW." You can use installable triggers to check the changes of the sheets. – Mr.Rebot