I have the below configuration:
- One kafka topic with 2 partitions
- One zookeeper instance
- One kafka instance
- Two consumers with same group id
Flink job snippet:
speStream.addSink(new FlinkKafkaProducer011(kafkaTopicName,new
SimpleStringSchema(), props));
Scenario 1:
I have written a flink job (Producer) on eclipse which is reading a file from a folder and putting the msgs on kafka topic.
So when i run this code using eclipse, it works fine.
For example : If I place a file with 100 records, flink sends few msgs to partition 1 & few msgs to partition 2 and hence both the consumers gets few msgs.
Scenario 2: When i create the jar of the above code and run it on flink server, flink sends all the msgs to a single partition and hence only one consumer get all the msgs.
I want the scenario 1 using the jar created in scenario 2.