I want to write a Lambda Handler in JAVA to read the events of CloudWatch. These Events are coming from Media Convert API.
Steps that I covered:
- Configured the eclipse using AWS tool Kit.
Created an AWS Project with a Lambda function.
Doubt begin from here:
Which Event type shall I select to make a Lambda Handler as it is showing following options:
S3, SNS, Custom, Stream Request Handler, Kinesis Event, Cognito Event.
Note: No mention of Elemental Media Convert type event that are written over CloudWatch Stream.
- What is Stream Request Handler here? Does it a handler that could be configured to listen Event stream based event. Is it So. If Yes, Kindly help me to figure out this one.
Added Flow:
A) Media Convert service is used to change format of submitted media. b) Documentation states that All events are published on Event stream of CloudWatch, when job status changes.
C) Here, i want to read these events from Event stream of Cloud watch regarding change in job status.