
I'm having an issue with the initial state of data in my application. I'm using vuex and vue-router, and I think the async stuff is tripping me up, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

In my view.vue component:

beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
  store.dispatch('assignments/getAssignment', {
    id: to.params.id
  }).then(res => next());

In my module:

getAssignment({commit, state}, {id}) {
    return axios.get('/assignments/' + id)
            .then(response => {
                if(response.data.data.type == 'goal_plan') {
                    const normalizedEntity = normalize(response.data.data, assignment_schema);
                    commit('goals/setGoals', {goals: normalizedEntity.entities.goals}, {root: true});
                    commit('goals/setGoalStrategicPriorities', {goal_priorities: normalizedEntity.entities.strategicPriorities}, {root: true});
                    commit('goals/setObjectives', {objectives: normalizedEntity.entities.objectives}, {root: true});
                    commit('goals/setStrategies', {strategies: normalizedEntity.entities.strategies}, {root: true});
                commit('setAssignment', {assignment: response.data.data});
            }).catch(error => {
                EventBus.$emit('error-thrown', error);

A couple of subcomponents down, I want to access state.goals.goals, but it is initially undefined. I can handle some of the issues from that, but not all.

For example, I have a child component of view.vue that includes

computed: {
    originalGoal() {
      return this.$store.getters['goals/goalById'](this.goalId);
  data() {
    return {
      form: {
        id: this.originalGoal.id,
        description: this.originalGoal.description,
        progress_type: this.originalGoal.progress_type,
        progress_values: {
          to_reach: this.originalGoal.progress_values.to_reach,
          achieved: this.originalGoal.progress_values.achieved,
        due_at: moment(this.originalGoal.due_at).toDate(),
        status: this.originalGoal.status,

In the heady days before I started using vuex, I was passing in the original goal as a prop, so it wasn't an issue. Since it's now pulled from the state, I get a bunch of errors that it can't find the various properties of undefined. Eventually originalGoal resolves in the display, but it's never going to show up in the form this way.

I tried "watch"ing the computed prop, but I never saw when it changed, and I'm pretty sure that's not the right way to do it anyway.

So, is there a way to get the data set initially? If not, how should I go about setting the form values once the data IS set? (Any other suggestions welcome, as I'm pretty new to vuex and vue-router.)

I think it is because you are trying to get the originalGoal in data(). Why don't you directly access the computed in the form. For example, <input type="text" v-model="originalGoal.description">Sujil Maharjan
You appear to be implementing the explicit promise construction anti-pattern. Don't do thatPhil
To expand on Phils comment, axios.get returns a Promise, so you don't need to wrap it in another Promise. You can do return axios.get()... directly.Eric Guan
Thanks! I've updated to remove the explicit promise construction and just return axios.get(). Thanks for the advice!llhilton

1 Answers


So if I set the form values in "mounted," I'm able to get this to work. Still learning about the vue life-cycle I guess. :)