I have a moderately complex terraform setup with a module directory containing a main.tf, variables.tf and input.tf and environments directory containing foo.tf, variables.tf and vars.tf
I can successfully run terraform apply and everything succeeds. But, if I immediately run terraform apply again it makes changes.
The changes it keeps making are to resources in the module...resources that get attributes from variables in the environments tf files. I'm creating an MQ broker and a dashboard to monitor it.
In the environments directory
module "broker" {
source = "modules/broker"
dashboard = "...."
In the modules directory
variable "dashboard" {
resource "aws_cloudwatch_dashboard" "mydash" {
dashboard_name = "foo"
dashboard_body = "${dashboard}"
Every time I run terraform apply it says it needs to change the dashboard. Any hints on what I'm doing wrong? (I've tried running with TF_LOG=DEBUG but I can't see anything that says why a change is needed). Thanks in advance.