
I follow documentation about adding Google Tag Manager into project https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/ios/v5/. I added container folder to my project's target but I am still getting some warnings from GTM to log and it is not possible to track events to Firebase.

GoogleTagManager warning: Can not retrieve container from network. Response: 404 GoogleTagManager warning: Event emitted before runtime was initialized.

What is the proper way to initialize Tag Manager? I use my "containerName" + .json as name of the container file and add them to folder "container".

GTM iOS SDK 7.1.1


Hi, did you manage to solve it?DaNLtR
Hello. Yes, When you download container, his name looks like "GTM-id_v1.json". I just deleted "_v1" and its solve my problemDima Paliychuk

1 Answers


Referring to this link, the name of the file should be GTM-XXXXX.json. When its downloaded, it could be something like GTM-KZ4ZT31_xxxxxx.json so you just need to get rid of everything after the id, for example this GTM-KZ4ZT31_xxxxxx will become GTM-KZ4ZT31.json.

Also, double check to use the latest container file generated from the TagManager