This questions kind of carries on top of the previous question I asked. Anyhow, I am creating this report in Report Builder 3.0. I have about 5 tables, 1 - 5. I have a drop down list that displays the table names 1-5. However, I want to regroup some of the tables together. For instance, the upgraded drop down would look something like this:
Drop Down List:
So If i were to click on One&Two, tables 1 and 2 would display while the others would stay hidden.
((CASE WHEN 'All' = 'All' THEN 1
WHEN @Input = 'One&Two' THEN 1
When @Input = 'One&Two' THEN 2
ELSE 0 END) = 1)
Using the above case doesn't do anything.
In my tablix properties I have the following command:
=Parameters!Input.Value <> "One&Two" AND Parameters!Input.Value <> "All"
This doesn't give me the table nor the columns, however doing this for a textbox it works. Going back to my original problem, how can I display 2 tables using only one drop down value from the list and hide the rest. I tried doing the multi select, but that didn't work out so well, because of the visibility issue.