I'm trying to take a series of number ranges (IE: .214-.217) and create excel files listing each number in the range. This is for the purposes of use in an ODK XLSform external CSV reference file.
The problem I am running into is that when certain numbers end a range they are not written into the excel file. The rest of the range is written, and when those numbers occur in the beginning or middle of a range they are written, but not when they end it. The numbers I've found this happens with so far are: .217, .010, .012
The min and max numbers were being stored in single precision floating point variables arrays. When I changed to a double precision FP variable .217 is written, but .010 and .012 are not.
Here is my code:
Sub BuildODKRange()
Dim PNStr As String
Dim MinMax(1 To 7) As Double
Dim CurrentDim(1 To 4) As Double
Dim CountInt As Integer
For Each Cell In Sheets("Data").Range("A2", Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
PNStr = Cell.Value
For CountInt = 1 To 7
MinMax(CountInt) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, CountInt)
Next CountInt
CurrentDim(1) = MinMax(1)
CurrentDim(2) = MinMax(3)
CurrentDim(3) = MinMax(5)
CurrentDim(4) = 0
While CurrentDim(1) <= MinMax(2)
Sheets("hss_parts_od").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = PNStr
Sheets("hss_parts_od").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = CurrentDim(1)
CurrentDim(1) = CurrentDim(1) + 0.001
While CurrentDim(2) <= MinMax(4)
Sheets("hss_parts_id").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = PNStr
Sheets("hss_parts_id").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = CurrentDim(2)
CurrentDim(2) = CurrentDim(2) + 0.001
While CurrentDim(3) <= MinMax(6)
Sheets("hss_parts_thk").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = PNStr
Sheets("hss_parts_thk").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = CurrentDim(3)
CurrentDim(3) = CurrentDim(3) + 0.001
While CurrentDim(4) <= MinMax(7)
Sheets("hss_parts_conc").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = PNStr
Sheets("hss_parts_conc").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = CurrentDim(4)
CurrentDim(4) = CurrentDim(4) + 0.001
Next Cell
End Sub
This is my first attempt at coding in VBA, so I apologize in advance if I've just made a basic mistake here.
This is the excel file used to generate the dimension lists. The macro has already been run on this copy and the data generated by it is on the hss_part_XXXX tabs. You can see the erroneous behavior on the hss_parts_conc tab with the last numbers for PW002 and PW104: Excel File