I use an Arduino Uno to convert Analog data to digital from a light sensor and send this data to raspberry pi by an USB cable. However when I run the code I read values like 1923 from a 10-bit sensor.
Here is the arduino code
int a = A0;
int meas = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
meas = analogRead(a);
if(Serial.readString() == "1"){ //Check that Raspberry wants data or not
Here is the Python code in Raspberry Pi
import serial
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600)
s = ser.readline()
file = open("dataset.txt", "a")
file.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + " Sensor Value:" + str(s)+ "\n")
Here is the example output after running code once in every 5 minutes
14:08 Sensor Value:6
14:10 Sensor Value:8
14:15 Sensor Value:8
14:20 Sensor Value:10
14:25 Sensor Value:6
14:30 Sensor Value:9
14:35 Sensor Value:6
14:40 Sensor Value:7
14:45 Sensor Value:5
14:50 Sensor Value:5
14:55 Sensor Value:12
15:00 Sensor Value:1
15:05 Sensor Value:1
15:10 Sensor Value:10
15:15 Sensor Value:12
15:20 Sensor Value:14
15:25 Sensor Value:1922
15:30 Sensor Value:2211
15:35 Sensor Value:11
15:39 Sensor Value:6
15:40 Sensor Value:7
15:45 Sensor Value:8
15:50 Sensor Value:10
15:55 Sensor Value:1
16:00 Sensor Value:
16:05 Sensor Value:11
I want to get rid of these 1's and 1922 like things they are certainly meaningless data.
PS: Sensor is on the top of a mountain, I am using remote connection the check the data and manipulate the code.
How can I do that? Thank you for your time.
before reading on the Arduino and waiting 200ms before thereadline()
on the Pi maybe. – Mark Setchell