So i am trying to decode a json and get this error.
This is the JSON :
{ "SERVERWebSystemInfoGet": {
"Return Code" : 0,
"Return String" : "No Error",
"Info" : "{\"IT\":\"IT109200310_0\",\"MAC\":\"00:40:7F:41:F8:81\",\"UUID\":\"uuid:858fba00-d3a0-11dd-a001-00407f41f881\",\"SN\":\"ENG031\",\"ModelNumber\":\"DH-390 2MP\",\"ModelName\":\"DH-390 2MP\",\"FwVer\":\"v1.0.0.34\",\"HwVer\":\"\",\"FriendlyName\":\"DH-390 2MP ENG031\",\"UpTime\":548}" }
This are my models :
struct Information: Codable {
let ModelName : String?
struct GetInformation: Codable {
let Info: [String: Information]?
struct WebSystemInfo: Codable {
let SERVERWebSystemInfoGet: GetInformation?
This is the method :
func parseGetInfo(data: Data) {
do {
let info = try JSONDecoder().decode(WebSystemInfo.self, from: data)
} catch let error{
And this is the error that i get :
typeMismatch(Swift.Dictionary Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [CodingKeys(stringValue: "SERVERWebSystemInfoGet", intValue: nil), CodingKeys(stringValue: "Info", intValue: nil)], debugDescription: "Expected to decode Dictionary but found a string/data instead.", underlyingError: nil))