I'm using el-select and use object as options in VUE with element UI.
Bind id to value and name to label of options. When I change v-model to id '123', the options with name 'label1' can't be selected and '123' is displayed in el-select. the drop down menu has the desired options and an extra '123' option.
What I need is the option will be selected when I change v-model.
In a editable el-select element, press Enter to trigger below method:
baseAttributeValueChange(attrId, values) { //Enter pressed
var vm = this;
if (this.getAttributeValueById(values[attrId])) { //Skip this block
} else { //HERE
var attrValue = values[attrId];
values[attrId] = null;
apiProduct.createAttributeValue(this.GLOBAL.axios, this.getCategoryId(), attrId, attrValue).then(
(res) => {
vm.loadAttributeValues(attrId).then(() => {
values[attrId] = '';//That's my temporary solution
vm.$nextTick(() => {
values[attrId] = res.id;
The options array returned by a method, Is the el-select can't detect data changes in a method so it will not update the options menu.