I recently made a google cloud account which was migrated from a .com.au email address to a .com email address. Now when I log in to Google Cloud Console, I correctly see my .com account and my permissions in IAM are owner, however, this migration does not seem to have been propagated to my Google Cloud shell and pre-existing Datalab instances.
When I try to do:
datalab connect test1 --no-user-checking
I get the cloud shell to connect and state that I can:
select *Change port > Port 8081*, and start using Datalab
However, when I go to port 8081 I get the error:
Error: Unauthorized
You are currently logged in as xxx.com.au which does not have access to Cloud Shell 3456864.
This is odd because in the Google Cloud Platform it clearly shows I am logged in as xxx.com
The same error occurs if I do a 'datalab create newbook' ... the compute engine instance is created, but when I go to connect to port 8081 it will not allow me access (same error as above).
The only exception is if I authenticate a local shell SDK with my XXX.com address and have done:
gcloud components install datalab
Then I can run datalab connect test 1 without any user checking. So it is only the Google Cloud Platform that is not allowing the connection.
The cloud shell and code editor Beta both have the same error as above, i.e. somehow the cloudshell is not seeing that I am logged in with my .com new profile rather than my old .com.au profile even though the platform can clearly see the difference. I'd rather not delete my entire profile and start again so any ideas are appreciated.