
I have a button on my website that performs the following action:

this.$store.commit('SET_THREAD_UPDATE', thread)

'thread' is an object consisting of multiple properties and objects and when the function is called there might be only a small change within an object of 'thread' or one of its properties.

'SET_THREAD_UPDATE' is a Vuex mutation and the only one of many that causes problems even though I am not doing anything differently.

const state = {
    threadUpdate: {}

const mutations = {
    SET_THREAD_UPDATE (state, userObj) {
        state.threadUpdate = userObj

When the button that triggers the commit is pressed the first time, everything works like expected. But then, from the second time forward I get two errors and the commit doesn't do anything:

[Vue warn]: Error in callback for watcher "function () { return this._data.$$state }": "Error: [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers." (found in <Root>)

Error: "[vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers."

I can't figure out the error. It doesn't make sense because I am using a mutation to change the state. Ideas anyone? Thanks!

After you get your threadUpdate in UI component, did you do any assign operations on it?Yu Huang
it most likely that, at first commit, you added userObj as part of the store. After that you changed its content outside the store.. if you userObj.something = someValue outside of the mutation => You got the warning.. If you got something reference to the userObj, which is mutated outside the store. let v=userObj; v.something=someValue => You got the warning..Hiep

1 Answers


Solution to the problem was to use JSON instead of regular JS objects. Not sure why though.