Please advise how to make vuetify v-tabs content displayed in equal height blocks. I found no options for this component in documentation which can help with height alignment.
By default v-tab-item height depends on its own content height:
Layout example:
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-tabs v-model="active" color="cyan" dark slider-color="yellow">
<v-tab :key="tab-1">
tab 1
<v-tab :key="tab-2">
tab 2
<v-tab-item key="tab-1">
tab 1 content<br> tab 1 content<br> tab 1 content<br> tab 1 content<br> tab 1 content<br>
<v-tab-item key="tab-2">
tab 2 content
Is it possible to align v-tab-items height by tallest v-tab-item using CSS only?
height: value;
in yourv-tabs__content
class? Codepen – gil