
I got below error message from application:

Transaction(Process ID 116 ) was deadlocked on Lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the dead lock victim. Return the transaction.

I have read the blog "https://blog.sqlauthority.com/2007/05/16/sql-server-fix-error-1205-transaction-process-id-was-deadlocked-on-resources-with-another-process-and-has-been-chosen-as-the-deadlock-victim-rerun-the-transaction/"

But I want to know what is (Process ID 116) and what cause of error?



Its the sessionid that ran the transaction at the time. you can run dbcc inputbuffer(116), this will find the query that ran.mvisser
Can you post the sample code and scenario details? It can help us to understand your problem.Vishwanath Dalvi

2 Answers


Rahul, this indicates the session_id. If you are familiair with Adam Machanic's sp_WhoIsActive, you can run that. Or download it at http://whoisactive.com/.

Apart from your specific problem, this stored proc provides a lot of nice insights, including blocking info and other diagnostic info.This might help you check the cause of the error.


What is (Process ID 116)?

SPID in SQL Server is a Server Process ID. These process ID's are essentially sessions in SQL Server. Every time an application connects to SQL Server, a new connection (or SPID) is created. Process ID 116 is nothing but SPID 116

USE EXEC sp_who2 for finding all sessions in SQL server.

What cause of error??

Deadlock occurs when any two SQL server process IDs are locking a separate resource and each one of them is trying to access the resource locked by the other process.


  • Try to use SQL server profiler to Analyze Deadlocks. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188246.aspx

  • In each script that has a transaction(locking) invoived, Begin the transaction as late as possible and commit it as soon as possible.

  • Try to set the optimal lock time value depending up on your script.use @@LOCK_TIMEOUT

  • SET the DEADLOCK_PRIORITY value in each script so that the priority processes wont be deadlocked.Use SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY

  • Use query hints for each TSQL Query. Use WITH NOLOCK in select statements (when the waiting/locking is not needed)