Take fast PRNG like xoroshiro or xorshift and 'true' entropy based generator like /dev/random.
Seed PRNG with 'true' random, but also get a single number from 'true' random and use it to XOR all results from PRNG to produce final output.
Then, replace this number once a while (e.g. after 10000 random numbers are generated).
Perhaps this is naive, but I would hope this should improve some aspects of PRNG like period size with negligible impact on speed. What am I getting wrong?
What I am concerned about here is generating UUIDs (fast), which are basically 128-bit numbers which should be "really unique". What my concern is that using modern PRGN like xorshift family with periods close to 'just' 2^128 the chance of collision of entropy seeded PRNG generator is not as negligible as it would be with truly random numbers.